Thursday, September 18, 2008

In Which Money is Made...And Lost.

Yesterday was definitely a day worth blogging about, but I was too busy being flabbergasted. I'll explain:
The day started off well enough; I made play money with my face on it and passed it out while we played an English game. Once my students have enough cash, I plan to devise some form of English/gambling games. They all love the fact that I'm from Vegas, so I figured I'd play it up. Although I wasn't really much of a gambler back home. Not too many Vegas natives are. I explained it this way to another teacher:
"People come to Vegas, lose money, and go home. The people who LIVE in Las Vegas get a new casino."
Later, I finally found out how to pay those annoying cell phone bills which keep showing up in my mailbox. All I have to do is take them down to the convenience store, and the clerk does all the work. The Japanese word for "convenience store" is "konbini"(con-beenie), which is essentially a shorter(more convenient?) version of the English phrase. They do this a lot.
Anyway, so I made the mistake of bringing the FIRST bill along with the reminder bill to the konbini. The clerk takes both of them from me before I can stop her, and proceeds to write them up. Years of Japanese classes back in the States had prepared me for just such a scenario:
CLERK: Ok, I'll just take those and write them up...
ME: No...don't understand...same.
CLERK:(as she is writing them up) Sorry, what was that?
ME: Same...those are...same.
CLERK: Ah, yes. Of course, sir. That'll be $$$$$(double)
ME: What? No! No understand. Same!
ME: Because I forgot...another was sent...same. Same, understand?
CLERK: Ah, yes. So that's $$$$$$(double)
CLERK: Sir, you have to pay your bill.
ME: Yes...but...SAME!
CLERK: Hm?(looks at the bill) It says here that these are the same bill. They sent you another one because you hadn't payed, yet.
CLERK: Oh, dear. That's a problem. You see, I've already entered the information, so you have to pay what's on the screen.
ME: What? Please say again.
CLERK: I already put the bills into the system, so we must recieve this amount.
ME: Sorry...I no understand.(points to bills) Same?
CLERK: Yes, sir, I know that now. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do.
ME: ...
CLERK: I'm very sorry.
ME: (points to screen) I have to pay?
ME: No!
CLERK: Sir, I...
ME: No...this...a little bit...error. These are same!
CLERK: Wait just a moment, please.
(she disappears and the manager enters)
ME: Hello.(points to bills) Same?
MANAGER: Yes, sir, I heard all about it. Unfortunately, you have to pay what's on the screen.
ME: (long pause)...Is okay. I return tomorrow.
MANAGER: Sir, you can't leave the building until you've payed.
ME: (points to bills) Have to pay?
ME: Now?
ME: NO!.
MANAGER: Sir, there's nothing we can do.
ME: But...but...SAME!
I eventually had to pay the amount on the screen. At this point, half the town had lined up behind me, waiting to pay for soda, cigarettes, and other daily sundries. It was only after that I found out what had happened from Ms. Shige, one of the English teachers. Apparently it will take the phone company two weeks to track down and confirm the twice-paid bill, at which point they'll give me back my money.
Strangely, I found a letter from the phone company in my mailbox today. I haven't opened it yet. Maybe they've already realized their mistake, and enclosed a letter saying they've put the money back in my account, and then some. Maybe it's an apology letter, along with an offer of two month's free service.


takoyakiball said...

Well, as long as they`re the same, then it will be the same. That`s all that matters...same. Btw, I would NEVER make fun of you for the situation you were in...NEVER.

S said...

that sucks! i would've been so frustrated.