Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Failure to Communicate

I found a note on my desk this morning informing me that my first class had been cancelled, and that, as my only other class wasn't until third period, I needn't get up early. It also said that tomorrow's classes will be slightly switched around, and that I need to prepare a twenty-minute lesson for three of them. I used the extra time to write up the lessons. Sometimes it just works out that way.
An hour before lunch, I was told that lunch had not been ordered for me, probably because I'd not been present at the meeting(which no one told me about)in which the other teachers ordered theirs, so I had to go pick some up.
After lunch, a teacher waylaid me in the hallway and asked me to help in her fifth period class. Since my contract states that I must remain in the building unil 4:15, and since I had no other classes, I complied...
... only to find that by doing so I had missed another class at which I was supposed to be present, but which, of course, no one informed me of.
I'm not complaining here; I was warned long before gettng to Japan that the gaijin teachers are treated in this way. It's not a malicious thing, either; the teachers were sincerely sorry. I write this only because it seemed to be today's theme.
Also, the gym was closed today. It's usually closed only on Mondays, but...

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