Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chapter 5 : A fresh start: sans internet, sans money

Not much has happened since I last blogged. I still don't have internet. I keep trying to explain to my supervisors that I need my NTT phone line activated before I can do anything, but they won't listen. Either that, or I'm not saying it right in Japanese. A "professional" is supposed to come over today and discover this.
Drove to Yamano mura the other day, that's my other school. It's far away in a smaller(yes, smaller) village on the other side of a mountain. People complain about the long journey, but I actually found the ride to be quite beautiful. The mountains are completely covered with trees and every now and again I pass close to a river.
The school is very small, but also very nice. At most, I'll have only four or five students to a class. The principal has a huge brick oven where he and the students make pizza sometimes. There's also a marathon coming up, which they asked me to join. I don't want to jinx it, but I think I'm going to like this school the best.
Still studying(or should I say re-learning?) Japanese. The difference now is that I'm actually making progress; not just memorizing things for an upcoming test and then forgetting them. That was my problem back in the States, coupled with the fact that I didn't really NEED Japanese to survive. Here, of course, it's different.
Am actually warming up to karaoke. Got standing ovations the last couple of times.
Today marks the beginning of school for the students. Made a speech(in English AND Japanese)in the gym this morning, and then stood for an hour while everyone else made theirs. Once again, I overdressed, showing up in a suit while everyone around me wore what they call "cool biz"(short-sleeved shirt and tie). I was easy to spot.
Money continues to slip through my fingers. I've already gone through the two thousand dollars I brought with me, and am steadily eating into my first paycheck. I know things in Japan are expensive, and I know culture shock and jet lag have temporarily altered my common sense, and I KNOW now is the time for gatherings, eating, drinking and celebrating, not to mention furnishing my new overseas life, but this is a little too much. I haven't even payed my bills yet, and already I've spent twice the amount I usually do in one month. I'll have to pay that "professional" when he comes over and tells me something I already know. *sigh* I guess it can'T be helped.
Tomorrow is the birthday of a famous hamburger joint in a nearby city. All the nearby JETs are attending. I'm excited. I think I've said before that I had the best hamburger of my life over there. We'll see how it goes.

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